Daytona beach - - vince carter isn ' t showing any gray in the beard he ' s growing 来自佛罗里达代顿海岸- -文斯?卡特正在留的络腮胡丝毫没有花白的迹象。
" we ' re extremely proud of what he ' s accomplished and that he ' s still a part of the daytona beach community , " cantley said 坎特利提及卡特道: “我们为他的成就而感到无比自豪,他至今仍是代顿海岸社区的一分子。 ”
Daytona beach - - standing side by side , nba star vince carter and his mom spoke passionately about donating more than a million dollars to the community for something that has affected their family and friends 代顿海岸消息? ? nba球星文斯?卡特和母亲并肩站在一起,热烈讲述他们此次向社区捐赠一百多万美元的理由,是因为它深深关系着自己的家人和朋友。
As for stag - nights in prague and student spring breaks in jamaica ? well , the gangs of drunken revellers probably wouldn ' t notice if they were in blackpool or daytona beach instead , as indeed many were a decade ago 至于在布拉格举行的男子聚会以及在牙买加欢度的春假? ?的确,这一伙又一伙纵欲畅饮、狂欢作乐者不会在意自己是否正身处黑泽还是代顿海滩,而在十年前确实有许多人在那里这样做。
Daytona beach , fla . , jan . 11 ? after years of expanding its presence in the united states and beyond , the toyota motor company of japan recently issued a 2007 forecast that would make it first in global sales , ahead of general motors 佛罗里达,一月十一日经历了多年在美国和美国以外的自身拓展后,日本丰田汽车公司近日公布了一份2007年的预告,显示它将在全球销售中占据首位,超过通用公司。
Both carter , a mainland high school graduate who plays for the new jersey nets , and his mom , who lives in daytona beach , said they ' ve seen not only in their own family , but with friends , celebrities and athletes how substance abuse " negatively affects their lives and the people around them 毕业于大陆高中、目前为新泽西网队效力的卡特和他现居代顿海岸的母亲均表示,通过自己家庭的遭遇,加上一些朋友、名流和运动员的事例,他们清醒地认识到滥用药物怎样“给这些人以及周围亲友的生活带来了负面影响” 。